Living Between — Future and Past

Saçaklı Ev

Saçaklı Ev

Living Between — Future and Past is an exhibition that embraces art as activism, artists as communicators, and alternative perspectives to collective challenges.

These artworks, from five different artists with five different mediums, share a common message. There are many ways to reflect on, to express peace. The universality arrives at a better world, where beauty stems from darker moments in time, presenting a vision on how society can proceed. To hold on to the past, remain stuck in the present, or to make the future the desired past, present and future. Inviting you to reflect on and challenge the truths you believe.

There are many ways to reflect on, to express peace. The universality arrives at a better world, where beauty stems from darker moments in time, presenting a vision of how society can proceed. To hold on to the past, remain stuck in the present, or to make the future the desired past, present and future. Inviting you to reflect on and challenge the truths you believe.

Visual Voices

The exhibition features a wide range of artistic mediums (performance, digital remix, fashion, mixed medium and painting) from artists Barış Parlan, Ebru Öztürk Özsoy, Mehmetemin Insan Yıldızçoban (Memo), Münüse Ağagil and Pırıl Torgut. The five artists have been selected to participate in the Visual Voices Artist in Residence Program 2019, designed for young artists interested in promoting peace and positive social change.

This Visual Voices Artist in Residence Program was organised with the support of the Grow Civic Programme funded by the European Union and Allianz Kulturstiftung.

Organiser: Visual Voices
Mentoring artists: Asli Bolayir and Alev Adil
Creative Design: Memo

Münüse Ağagil

The Big Picture

Fabric & foam frame

Münüse AğagilPerformer: Viky Kalla
Performer: Viky Kalla
Münüse AğagilPerformer: Noutsa Snouts
Performer: Noutsa Snouts
Münüse Ağagil

Barış Parlan

digiTale Journey: The War

Remix Performance

Barış Parlan
Barış Parlan

Ebru Öztürk

Break Down The Walls

Wood, stencil, cement, acrylic paint, patina paint, distress paint, glue 90cm x 90cm

Ebru ÖzTürk
Ebru ÖzTürk

Pırıl Torgut

Nuclear Family

Oil on canvas 170cm x 170cm

Pırıl Torgut
Pırıl Torgut

Mehmetemin Insan Yıldızçoban (Memo)

3RD Generation Album

Readymade Installation


Saçaklı Ev

Saçaklı Ev
Saçaklı Ev