Mapping a movement

Mapping a movement

Egomio Cultural Centre

Mapping a Movement is based on visual patterns found in Cypriot archaeological sites. The choreography uses the simple visual elements as well as the complex mathematical structures of these patterns as inspiration for the creation and arrangement of the movement.

Patterns and Symbols: In Search of Identity – Άλατου Press
Patterns and Symbols: In Search of Identity – Άλατου Press

The choreography uses Marios Constantinides’ book Patterns and Symbols: In Search of Identity – Άλατου Press

Choreography: Zoe Georgallis
Dancers: Zoe Georgallis and Elisavet Panagiotou
Music: William Scott
Illustration: Marios Constantinides
Video: Allejandro Villacis

It was in the Dance Waves Festival 2020

Mapping a movement
Mapping a movement
Mapping a movement
Mapping a movement
Mapping a movement
Mapping a movement
Mapping a movement
Mapping a movement
Mapping a movement
Mapping a movement